Thursday, September 22, 2005

Movie Pick

We watched the cutest movie last night called Dear Frankie. We had seen the previews on other DVDs we had watched and I finally added it to my queue. It had been marked for a very long wait, so when it became available, I quickly put it to the top of my list and I am glad that I did.

There are a lot of elements to this movie that are fun to learn about as you watch it, so I won't give you any more details than this: The movie is about a boy who had been writing to his absent father for several years. He had believed he was out at sea, but really his mom had made the whole story up to protect her son. Then when the fictional ship and dad where scheduled to come in to port, Frankie's mom hired a stranger to play his dad for the day. It was a very touching movie and I highly recommend it to anyone. Plus they were in Scotland - one of my favorite accents to listen to!


Mouse said...

Plus the man she hires to be Frankies "dad" is HOT-Hot- HOT. Oh, and yes the movie is very interesting and touching too.. I really did enjoy it. I saw it on the previews for another 'foreign' film I was watching but I can't recall which one and had it in my Netflix queue.

Disentangled said...

Yes, that too ;-)