Monday, December 12, 2005

Carmen is dunzo!

Just popping in to say that Carmen is now a happy FO...but no pictures to show yet. There was a brief attempt at a photoshoot yesterday afternoon, but by the time we got around to it, the sun had nearly set, so the light (even outside) wasn't great. And I want to get a good photo of this thing. So, I'll try again soon.

In other news, my butt is dragging today. Okay, so it's not literally dragging (thank goodness) it not even really news, but you know what I mean. B and I traveled down to SD for the company holiday party and didn't get home until after midnight (way past my bedtime on a school night). Lucky for me I fell asleep right away (even in spite of all the wine I consumed)...but approx. 5 hours of sleep is just not enough for an old woman like me. This is going to be a long day...


Disentangled said...

I can't wait to see pictures :-)

P.S. I think the-day-after-wine is the pits. My eye balls still feel squeaky. At least everyone had a good time.

My question is this: when several people come up to you and say - I like the way you dance - how is it exactly that you are dancing that makes it noticably different than everyone else? And should I be concerned?

Nasus said...

I DEFINITELY need to see pics - it appears that I missed out on some fun last night! Dancing??!!

Mercedes said...

I'm with Susan. Dancing at the holiday party??? I need to see some pictures of this. Did Kanji get his groove on? I'm sure you danced like the rest of them Jen. A little alcohol and who can really dance well anyway. See you all soon.