MJ, I told you I wouldn't give up on them, and I didn't! I've done it, I completed my first (and second) short row heels! It wasn't nearly as complicated as I made it out to be, but it did take a couple - okay, several - tries until I finally got the hang of what I was doing with the wraps and whatnot. For some reason I almost always have to try something several times before I get it right. Which, I guess is my own subliminal way of allowing myself some practice to really get down whichever new technique I'm trying. Helpful of me, to me, right? Alright, well, looking at it that way makes me feel better, okay? It's better than the alternative, which would be that I am a very slow learner who makes a lot of mistakes for no good reason.

Now that I've accomplished the toe-up toe and short-row heel, next on the agenda of sock firsts for me: working with calf shaping for these knee highs! Unfortunately, this requires a bit of math, and knitty or not, math and I? We broke up after 10th grade and have had a tenuous relationship at best ever since. I'm sure I can figure it out, I just have to clear my brain...or at least sweep away some of the cobwebs.
Thankfully, the stripes seem to be working out, to the delight of the symmetry monger in me. I may be crazy, but anal retentiveness seems harmless enough when it works out without much difficulty. Thus, I revel in this. Aah... It's the little things...

PS: Much love and virtual hugs to
Julia until I can give her a proper hug in person.
Beautiful socks. And, don't let the math get in your way of finishing these lovely things. And, just be happy that, unlike your tenth grade math teacher, we don't care one bit if you cheat and get help from others around you.
Oh yeah!! Gorgeous! I also love it when the stripes match up and you've got it perfect. Funny thing about the short row heels. I finally used bigger needles and figured out just what exactly I needed to do. Lovely when things work out, isn't it? Now if I could just figure out WHY you need knee sox in SoCal!!! ;-)
Your socks look great, and your post was both heeling and healing, so thank you. Thanks for the call, also. I've been lying low, as I am not in a state to talk much, but I really, really appreciate the good thoughts, and I will definitely count on seeing you this weekend in Torrance if you're still up for it.
Hooray for you! Isn't it empowering to learn a new technique. And I love how you're stripes match!
Those are very sophisticated looking striped socks. Very nice.
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