Yup. 6 long weeks. Not only did these poor little hanks of Espresso cotton get caught in a major backlog at the auction house, the invoice first got lost before it got found again. Then the most unfortunately of events happened...it was shipped to Dis' home address via UPS.
Not that little Dis did not try to get it sent to her work address from the start, but somewhere between eBay and PayPal and the auction house, that specific request was not seen. So the poor Espresso cotton made the long journey from Arizona to San Diego where it would be misdelivered, redirected, misdelivered, lied about, redirected and finally stepped on.
But, the journey of the Espresso cotton has now come to an end. It has been happily wound into cakes, swatched and is currently being knitted into a cute little summer tank. The rest have found a higher calling and are destined to become Something Red.
Welcome, Espresso! Great things await you. :)
It's about time! But there's no fun like new fun, unless, of course, it's moving to San Diego. Thanks for your email - I'll respond later today.
On a related note, can it really be called Something Red if it's not red? Something Espresso has a lovely ring, at least for this coffee lover.
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