Thursday, April 06, 2006


We have TV! The reception is fuzzy, but it's good enough for me. B is a genius! Technology nerd, I mean, whiz that he is, he was able to fiddle around the the inputs (outputs?) back there and along with a set of rabbit ears, was able to get us crappy network TV! I think I know what early man felt like when the wheel was invented...

It's been a rough several days. I've been rather discombobulated lately. Normally, I am a homebody. I love being in the comfort of my home. Especially after the long hours I spend at work and on the road. I cherish the few hours per night that I can spend in the sanctity of my home, where I can relax, knit, and otherwise veg out. I haven't had this feeling since the packing started. There was no time to relax - there was packing to be done! Then moving. Now, unpacking and organizing. The last part, I actually enjoy, but I haven't even had time to do much of that yet. All this leads to me feeling a little out of sorts, and not yet fully comfortable in my new space. Now, I don't mean to be a Complainy Complainerson about this, because I really am happy with the new place, it's just...a transition, I guess. And not having the creature comforts of home (i.e. TV) has just emphazised feeling of disconnect. It's a little thing, but as we know, it is the little things the make us happy. And as I was driving home yesterday on the 405 in especially horrensous traffic, I didn't think anything could make me happy, but then...not only had B organized some of the furniture and maze of boxes, we were also eventually able to watch Lost. And I was happy.


Jennifer said...

You'll settle in soon. I love the pic.

Terri said...

I just found your blog, and it I understand the need for "veg time". We have moved around a lot due to hubby's job, and if I can even carve out a little space to knit just a few rows it saves the life of the innocent. Good luck in your new spot, and happy knitting.

chris said...

I can very much relate to the need for R&R and veg time at the end of the day. I can imagine how unsettling (no pun intended!) it must be to come home, only to have to deal with unpacking and organizing, rather than relaxing and vegging. I'm so glad that the TV is hooked up! Wishing you lots of good down-time soon. Thank you so much for all your good wishes and support this past week- it really meant a lot to me. Hope all is well with you.. take care! :-)