The reason for my knitting abstinence is the funny feeling I've been getting in my hand since last night. It is mostly in my yarn finger, but it goes all the way to the base of my wrist. It kinda feels like when something is asleep but it hasn't started tingling yet? You know, kinds numb-ish? It is freaking me out. I have a feeling it is all that teeny tiny knitting I've been doing lately and especially all those hundreds of purl stitches in which I hold my yarn finger (the right pointer finger) at crazy right angles for long periods of time. I stopped knitting on Oceania last night when I started to feel it, but switching to other knitting didn't help. Then it came back again at break this morning and has bugged me all day. I am hoping that if I don't knit for a day or so, maybe I can go back to knitting normal things. Then hopefully I can pick up Oceania again, but limit my knitting time. This recovery is especially important because the Knit Salon is this Thursday and Nonnahs and I are going on a work retreat this weekend, which loosely translates to: knitfest.
It just stinks because I am going crazy to knit little things. I want to knit socks!! And seeing Nonnahs' pretty Bougainvillea sock makes me ache for it even more! I guess the only sock consolation I have right now is that I need smaller needles in order to work on the new socks I started with my Claudia's Hand Painted from Stitches. Although I swatched, the cuff looks really big and when I try it on, the cuff sits just so, which makes me think that it will probably be too loose once I wear it...and I want these to fit.
Well, since I don't have any progress to show you, I was share a recent splurge:

Oh and in misc. news, please go look at the pretty blankets that Christine has just finished putting together for Michael and her brother Jef. Christine put out a call to make comfort blankets for these special men and knitters from all over contributed squares. They are both done now and if you check out some of her recent posts, you can even see a picture of Jef enjoying his. This was a very special project to be apart of and I definitly plan on continuing to contribute to similar projects in the future.
Also, I found out that Fred was my SP7 Secret Pal! So a super big public thanks to Fred! Don't worry I was the first one to kick myself for making the stupid assumption that "he" was a "she". When he told me who he was a laughed out loud at myself because I had actually thought about it when I wrote my first post - you don't know your SP's a "she", there are lots of men knitters out there, but the others have been "shes", don't worry about it, it's probably fine... Yeah, well. How does that saying go again? Something about being an "ass"...
I will think good thoughts for your finger...ohmm...
A while back I thought I was going to have to slow down my knitting, because my fingers where getting all tingly. A few weeks after I finished my bag I was working on, it went away. It was the darn Llama in the yarn that was causing it!! When ever I knit with Alpaca or Llama. Or even touch angora (pout) my fingers get all tingly and wierd feeling.
I hope you hand gets better, and FAST!!! I love the Rock Star!! Can't see what you create with it : D
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