Dakota was found as a stray. Because he was so skiddish, he lived at one of their facilities for around a year and a half, where he was trained and acclimated to the point where he was comfortable enough around people to be adopted. We are told that he's come a really long way. He's still a little timid, but not in a hyper way. He's really mellow, extremely well-behaved and really well-trained. And for a rather shy guy, he is quite affectionate. He arrived on Saturday, and considering he's in a(nother) new place, we think he's been adjusting really well. Much to my relief.
You'll be seeing much more of him, so I thought I should introduce him ASAP. Friends, this is my adorable boy, Dakota. :)
::waves at the puppy::: Awww.. he's adorable! Welcome home Dakota!
He's very handsome. Congrats!
Dear Dakota,
Welome to your new home! I know how hard it can be to move to someplace new, but you are in good hands. I like Nonnahs a lot. My mama just gave me your new address, so I thought I would send you a couple things that I like.
Take care and in the words of the Fresh Prince - smell you later!
What a sweet face! Hi Dakota!!
PS: Thanks for the congrats on the pattern! I'm very excited.
Hi Dakota!
He's absolutely beautiful!
Can't wait to meet him in person (dog)!
He is SO cute. I just want to scratch his cheeks. He sounds a lot like Panda's personality. She's very shy and always has been but took to Leo and me like a duck to water. And she's a snuggly girl too. i can't wait to see more pictures.
Oh there's nothing like doggie love! That's a great picture of you two. Shannon, you can see how happy he is! He's home at last.
Oh, he is CUTE!
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