Meanwhile, we're happily playing with our dog. This weekend was bath time for Dakota, once again. Good times. Seeing as it was so freaking hot last weekend and the bathing area is outside, and, you might think a dog would enjoy the cool water, but then you might be wrong. He was none too pleased. Actually, he seemed to be okay with it once we got into it, and I'm pretty sure he felt better afterwards...

Also on the home front, I am happy to report that my little porch renovation project has begun. We have a small, humble porch, but it's a porch nonetheless, a place where I would love to be my summer knitting spot. Until now, however, it's been pretty grungey and unwelcoming. Over the weekend I washed it off, laid down a nice bamboo rug, and put out a couple of chairs. Up next: flowers and other fun accessories! My little outdoor living space is slowly coming together (as is the indoor living space).
On the knitting front, I'm hesitant to even make mention of this for fear of jinxing myself, but here goes- Carmelita is coming along nicely. Rather slowly, but I gladly accept the calm, slow pace in lieu of mistakes and frustration. Speaking of calm, I recently acquired this yarny goodness: Rowan Calmer in Khaki. Though I've been wanting to try it for a while, this my first time working with Calmer. I'm finding it quite nice. Yay!

How exciting with all the baby news! Dakota is darling and the khaki is so pretty! I've started a few rows and will be taking them with me to Colorado this weekend :)
Ooooo, Calmer. I love that stuff!
Congratulations on the new and soon to be debuted neices! New additions are so wonderful in the family.
yay for your new and almost here nieces! Dakota looks soo very happy. Have fun with your calmer, I've never tried it but heard its good stuff : )
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