However, as soon as I got back, it hit me that I had less than 2 weeks to work my Deep V vest from start to the first steek at the V neck line. Given the very mellow schedule for the class as a whole, this of course ends up being the most time consuming bit of knitting...and I now had now lost more than a week.

The pattern is a very clever series of matching rows. Each new row is following by an identicle row which means you only have to think every other row. Also, because of the way the diamonds in the argyle progress up and down, it is intuitive as well. You can almost instinctively know what the stitches are supposed to be without having to constantly refer back to the chart. In fact, I can usually just look at the first couple of stitches and then I am off. This characteristic makes it really easy to realize you have made a mistake in the colorwork. You don't have the problem of working rows and rows and realizing they are all wrong. It becomes very obvious after a few stitches that your diamonds are off, so mistakes are caught quick before they get too far along.
And the best part? It's fun! After I worked the ribbing, I was a little nervous to start the colorwork. After all, this is my first real fair isle project. But, it has been great! I have been carting it around to work, the knit salon and even Rebecca's. So, barring any unforseen mistakes (*makes small sacraficial offering to the knitting gods*), I shouldn't have any trouble getting my homework done in time for class next Saturday. (*any progress and homework completion made is only by the graces of the knitting gods and only because I fully acknowledge and accept my humble skills as a knitter and in no way have a big head or think that skill plays any part in such a success*.)
Anyhoo. Today is a beautiful day. One that is marked with a spaghetti dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory to belatedly celebrate my dad's birthday. And since we have to drive north, it may also involve a brief stop by Common Threads...after all I am helping my sister-in-law obtain a back issue of Interweave Knits and sometimes we must make sacrifices of our time for family, right? (wink, wink)
Boy, I sure am glad I was able to give you the perfect excuse to stop in at a yarn shop. Thanks, by the way, for sacrificing your time for me. Or should I do the ole, "No, don't go through all that trouble on my account..." thing?
And, that argyle vest is really great. I got excited (not in a creepy, blogstalker sort of way) just looking at that and imagining how great it's going to look on you. Really, I did. Of course, maybe it's because post-pregnant as I am, nothing looks good on me at the moment, and I have to live vicariously through others.
Your deep V-neck is looking awesome! I've been toying with buying that pattern and may have to now!
look at you go girl! Hope you get your homework done, looks like you are off to a great start ; )
wow! you'll have that argyle vest done in no time! The steeking sounds pretty's fun when you learn several new techniques in one pattern!
Lookin' good. And I always pack ten times as much stuff to do as I'll have time for . . . But wouldn't it be horrible to run out?
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