Okay, so our lawn is still pretty sad looking. There's still
lots more happening out there to be happy about. More joyous reminders of spring, like this gladiola bud.

And, more happening on the fig tree: full-fledged leaves! Because I was so astounded by the rapid greening (scientific term) of the fig tree last year (it went from bare to full of leaves without me having a chance to blink) I decided to document its growth this year. If you recall, last we saw the fig tree a mere two weeks ago, it looked like
this- only tiny sprigs of leaves. Look at them now!

lookie here!

And last but not least, this guy. He is a regular around these parts. He likes to hang out in the yard in the lawn and in the trees and around the house on fences and wires, eat various items, bury things in potted plants only to harvest them later, and on occasion...stare right the f*ck at us.
Melanie, what did I tell you? This beady-eyed dude was just a few feet away from the back door the other day- making a huge racket, I might add. (Note: Squirrels and me- not so much. I link this back to my college days whereupon very friendly (aka: crazy aggressive) squirrels would stalk us while we sat out and studied in
the sculpture garden.) Lucky for all involved, the screen door was closed. It wouldn't have been a pretty sight if either a)
Doogles could get out or b) that critter could get in. I closed the main door just in case. Ca-
Okay, let's look back at the pretty fig tree leaves now...
* I have "In My Place" by Coldplay in my head right now.
hysterical about the squirrel!! i guess I shouldn't tell you that one happened to find it's way into my LYS and scared the Sh*t out of the owner...
what a pretty fig tree!! ;-) hope you're feeling better!!
Wow just look at the attitude on his face!! It's a direct threat, I say.
Love your fig tree!
I feel the same way. Our fig, apples, and peaches have all leafed out and started to set fruit! Mother nature is amazing.
I can't wait for the figs this year! I've never really had fresh figs until recently and now I'm a convert! Yum :-)
oooh so lucky, figs are so yummy!'
and thanks, now the song is going thru my head too!
Squirrel: "CRAP! I've been spotted!"
I hear that in a French accent for some reason.
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