Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009: A Knitty Retrospective

It's pretty obvious from looking at last year's FOs that my preoccupation was with babies and baby knits. I had fun knitting for my own Bean, as well as Dis' Elliott, Annie's Macadamia, and my civilian friend Heather's Ryan. And judging from the number of Flickr friends alone who are expecting babies this year, it doesn't seem like the baby trend is going to end anytime in the near future! Fine by me- I love me some baby knits!

Sugary, Peacock, Green River, Ryan tee
Ryan mocs, Pine, Pine socks, Blossom
4 Month Socks, Hershey, Bean Bonnet, Slate
Coal, Mr. T., Cabernet, Bean's First Christmas Hat

2009 also allowed me to participate in a couple of special swaps between good friends. First, a cowl swap with my dear knitty girls, in which I was able to knit a cowl for Kat, and more recently the beret swap I did with my girl Margaux. I thoroughly enjoyed both swaps and look forward to round two of both!

As usual, my knits were predominantly gifts for others. I managed to finish a whopping two knits for myself. What is wrong with this picture? ;) I really hoped that Oscar would make it into the 2009 FO group, but alas, I got sidetracked by the holiday knits. He will be done soon though! Definitely in time for 2010's recap. Swear!

Looking ahead to this year, I'm also planning to learn how to crochet. Finally! I've been wanting to learn for years now, and I decided this was the year I'm going to do it. Or well, I hope. Wish me luck!


Virginia G said...


I understand about the not knitting for yourself thing. I've resolved (privately, anyway) to knit more for me this year. It's downright embarrassing when I go to knitting related events and I have nothing to wear of my own creation.

jillian said...

Seeing all those small knits together is too much! I think my favorite is the socks on your fingers!

Kara said...

Oh that Bean is such a good knitwear model! How can you not knit for her?

Crazy Knitting Fool said...

I want to learn to crochet this year as well. One of the ladies in my knitting group has patterns for Swiffer and Swiffer Duster covers that are crochet and I want to make them very very bad!